ASUS India has launched an e-Gaming Tournament, ROG Showdown, a getaway for gamers to bust their stress levels while the world is navigating through the crisis of Covid-19. The tournament will be held from April 3 to 29. According to the company’s official release, this is a perfect opportunity for gamers to play indoors and battle it out for the ultimate glory.
The ROG Showdown tournament would begin with CSGO, for which registrations have started as well. The winner will take home a prize pool of $300 worth of steam wallet codes. This would be followed by several other tournaments across different titles like PUB G, R6, and LOL. The tournament will offer participation opportunities for squads, teams, and individuals.
Commenting on the announcement, Arnold Su, Business Head – Consumer and Gaming PC, Asus India, stated in the official release: “At a time when the world is undergoing so much stress, we aim to encourage gamers to utilize their time productively, thus enabling them to cope with the change in the usual routine.”
He noted that by staying indoors and avoiding social gatherings is perhaps the safest and easiest way to curtail the spread of the virus. He added: “Everyone could use a bit of healthy competition to boost their spirits and enjoy this time at home and the objective of this gaming tournament is exactly this.”
According to Arnold, post such testing times, the world shall soon be enjoying spirited offline tournaments. However, until then, he urged the steadily expanding gaming community to stay home and enjoy The ROG Showdown.
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